Croton plant is a natural plant.
Classification: Indoor plant
Description: Its native habitat is the Sunda Islands in tropical Asia. Its leaves vary in shape, color and size. They can reach a meter in height, so it is best to display them individually. The plant secretes a slimy, milky liquid that is considered toxic. Therefore, it should be placed out of the reach of children and pets.
Irrigation is abundant and given to themanure Every two weeks, except in winter, watering is moderate. The dormant period is in winter. The room temperature suits this plant most days of the year, and in winter it is preferable that it not be less than 12 degrees Celsius. The plant loves humidity, so it is preferable to spray it with a spray during times of extreme heat because this refreshes it and repels some parasites from it.
Light: Expose it to bright filtered light most days of the year. In winter, it is preferable to place it near a sunny window.
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